Reports and Documents

East Midlands Freeport routinely produces reports and documents which outline our approach to key priorities and how we work. We’re committed to transparency and will usually publish these documents on our website so people can see what lies behind our guiding principles. There may be occasions where detail is omitted for legal or commercial reasons, and priorities or details outlined in some documents may change over time.


East Midlands Freeport Business Planning Priorities 2024-25

East Midlands Freeport is a long-term project aimed at boosting growth by attracting investment in our three strategic sites. We review our programme every year and our Business Planning Priorities document is the up-to-date guide to our current business and investment activities.

EMF Business Planning Priorities 2024 25 (PDF, 642.95 KB) Opens new window

East Midlands Freeport Full Business Case 2022 explained

What is the East Midlands Freeport Full Business Case 2022?

The East Midlands Freeport Full Business Case was submitted to Government in 2022 to provide detailed evidence which supported an application by local authorities and businesses to grant Freeport status to an area in the East Midlands

It is a technical document written to satisfy the requirements of Government policymakers at that time and is not a proscriptive guide to what the Freeport will do during its operational lifetime.

It is also a robust case for growing the East Midlands economy which secured the full support of government and regional stakeholders and has already led to investment here.

In a world subject to change, the Freeport must retain the flexibility to review its business activities every year and respond to any events that affect its proposals or the way it operates. It’s important to note that:

  • This Full Business Case was developed during 2021 and was based on the political, economic and commercial context at the time.
  • The economic context has since been substantially affected by changes in inflation, which have in turn impacted on the approach to some commercial propositions.
  • Similarly, some of the national and regional policy initiatives underway at that time have also evolved or changed.


For those reasons, some of the data, ideas and proposals contained in this document – for example, our Seed capital investments – have since been amended or altered via our regular business review process or superseded by new information. Similarly, the Freeport is currently in only the second year of a 25-year programme and some proposals mentioned in the Full Business Case are still being developed.

While we’re committed to routinely publishing details of our activities, such as this document and the minutes from our monthly board meetings, we have to protect commercial confidentialities, personal data, or information which might relate to negotiations. This is why a limited amount of information in this Full Business Case has been redacted. If the sensitivities related to these redactions no longer apply, we will also make these sections public at that point.

For a more up-to-date insight into the East Midlands Freeport’s operating priorities, please see our Business Planning Priorities document, which is updated annually.

East Midlands Freeport Full Business Case 2022 (PDF, 4.33 MB) Opens new window

East Midlands Freeport Full Business Case Annexes (PDF, 3.35 MB) Opens new window

East Midlands Freeport: Memorandum of Understanding with Government

East Midlands Freeport MOU (PDF, 381.82 KB)